Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to Your Questions

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all that is happening with HaNefesh.

Shabbat services are on Friday evenings at 6:00pm PT. They are mostly conducted on Zoom. Feel free to join services by going to

Torah study is held on Saturday mornings at 9:00am PT on Zoom. Click here to join us:

We can do this sacred work together because of the generosity of our supporters. We suggest a monthly donation of $180. Some can contribute more and some less. We believe that every gift is just that, a gift to sustain our community. We ask each person/household to make a donation from their soul (nefesh) that both honors the work of HaNefesh and also works for their budget. (Please know that life cycle events are fee for service. Please contact Rabbi Heidi for more information)

HaNefesh has partnered with MyWell as our donation processing partner. Serving hundreds of religious institutions, MyWell is one of the most secure ways to make your donation to HaNefesh. Their mission is to not charge huge amounts for credit card processing fees, therefore, allowing HaNefesh to use more of your gift to serve you and the community. It is easy to use and even allows you to schedule monthly donations.

How to use MyWell

1. Go to MyWell (
2. In the upper right-hand corner, you will see, “Get Started
3. Click that and follow all the instructions.
4. You can either use a credit card or your checking account. If you choose your checking account, then there is only a .30 processing fee versus the greater processing
fees with credit cards. You can choose whichever you like.
5. After setting up your account, you can then make a donation where it says, I’d like to give.

Contact Rabbi Heidi if you have any questions (