Discover the Mysteries of the Machzor

An Immersive Journey into High Holy Day Prayers

Join us for an in-depth exploration of the Machzor, the High Holy Day prayerbook, with renowned poet-liturgist Alden Solovy. Delve into the profound meanings and spiritual depths of our most sacred prayers.

Each Class will be on Zoom
Cost: $20/session 
Classes will be recorded for those who cannot attend on the scheduled date and time.

Discount codes for Alden Solovy’s new book will be given to all who register.  

About the Program

The ‘Mysteries of the Machzor’ Adult Education program offers a unique opportunity to explore the treasures of the High Holy Day prayerbook. Guided by Alden Solovy, each one-hour class provides an immersive experience into the text and subtext of core prayers, revealing their deep spiritual significance. Using Mishkan Hanefesh and Solovy’s forthcoming book, ‘Enter These Gates: Meditations for the High Holy Days,’ participants will gain a deeper understanding of the liturgy and its relevance to contemporary Jewish life.

Four Inspirational Sessions

Unetaneh Tokef / The Power of the Day

We’ll open our series by exploring the Unetaneh Tokef, a four-part masterpiece echoing the central themes of the High Holidays. Enter the prayer that is a study in contrasts, and the inspiration for Leonard Cohen’s song ‘Who by Fire.’

Sunday, September 8, 10:00am PT

Vidui / Confessions Past and Present

This week, we’ll examine the unique language of the two traditional confessionals, together known as Vidui – the alphabetic acrostic (Ashamnu) and the longer “For the Sin” (Al Chet) – contrasting them with modern alternatives.

Monday, September 16, 6:00pm PT

Kol Nidre / A Mystical Doorway

In our next class, we’ll look at the Kol Nidre, the dramatic mystical doorway into a full day of deep reflection and prayer, a day with the promise of forgiveness.

Monday, September 23, 6:00pm PT

Avinu Malkeinu / The Divine Presence

Our final class will explore the Avinu Malkeinu (Almighty and Merciful), a haunting set of supplications which are also a reminder of our relationship to God as the source of our blessings and the divine that is present within and among us.

Sunday, September 29, 10:00am PT

Alden Solovy

Reform Poet-Liturgist

Alden Solovy is a modern day piytan, a traveling poet/preacher/teacher who uses Torah and verse to engage and inspire. Alden embodies the intersection of scholarship and heart and his presence is sought after in Jewish spiritual spaces around the world. Alden’s work challenges the boundaries between poetry, song, meditation, personal growth, storytelling, and prayer, appearing in both song and verse. His teaching spans from HUC-JIR and the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem to Limmud and Leo Baeck College in the UK, as well as synagogues throughout North America. Alden’s fifth volume of Torah and t’fillah inspired poetry, Enter These Gates: Meditations for the Days of Awe, is forthcoming. His other CCAR Press volumes are: These Words: Poetic Midrash on the Language of Torah (2023), This Grateful Heart: Psalms and Prayers for a New Day (2017), This Joyous Soul: A New Voice for Ancient Yearnings (2019), and This Precious Life: Encountering the Divine with Poetry and Prayer (2021). These Words won a 2024 Silver Medal for spiritual/inspirational from the Independent Book Publishers. His work also appeared in more than 25 collections including books by Anita Diament and Rabbi Menachem Creditor, as well as the following CCAR Press editions: Mishkan R’fuah: Where Healing Resides (2012), L’chol Z’man v’Eit: For Sacred Moments (2015), Mishkan HaNefesh: Machzor for the Days of Awe (2015), Gates of Shabbat, revised edition (2016), Mishkan Aveilut: Where Grief Resides (2019), Mishkan Ga’avah: Where Pride Dwells (2020); The Year of Mourning: A Jewish Journey (2023); and Prophetic Voices: Renewing and Reimagining Haftarah (2023). Alden made Aliyah to Jerusalem in 2012, where he is Liturgist in Residence at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies. Find his work at

Join Us for Mysteries of the Machzor

Embark on a transformative journey through the High Holy Day prayerbook. Register now to gain profound insights into the prayers that shape our sacred days.