Lettuce Know

July 9, 2020 | 17 Tamuz 5780


I had a great conversation this week about how to be a part of HaNefesh community. (quick grammar note: Ha=The, Nefesh=Soul. If I say, THE HaNefesh Community, I am saying, the THE soul community and that just sounds odd to my Hebrew ear. But maybe I should get over that.)

Trying again…

How can one be a part of the HaNefesh Community?

First: remember that HaNefesh is nothing like any other Jewish community you (might) have experienced. We are not a membership organization, you do not belong, you are a part of a community. We do not HAVE a space, we HOLD space. We are a group of people with shared values that create an inclusive community that holds a space for all.

Second: what do you want to have in your HaNefesh community? Now that we have the who, what do we want? HaNefesh is not top down, rather it is a broad spectrum of individuals who come together to be and do Jewish.

Third: that’s all well and good, how do I start something I am looking for? Ask and do. There is no large staff, there is only us. So if you want to write something for the newsletter, let us know. You want to plan an event (online until we can be in person) let us know. Want to help us figure out how to have a virtual oneg, let us know.
HaNefesh is OUR Jewish community. We get to build it and create it together. So…let us know.

(PS Did you get the joke at the top?)Shabbat with HaNefesh

Erev Shabbat on Zoom on Friday at 6 pm
Torah Study on Zoom on Saturday at 9 am
Havdalah on Facebook on Saturday at 7:15 pm

Miriam’s Circle Sisterhood invites you to Bring Your Dreams to our first general meeting Wednesday July 22, 2020 at 7PM. This will be your opportunity to help us create the Sisterhood of your dreams. All ideas are welcome.

We look forward to learning about your ideas and talents! Please contact VP of Membership, Susan Scheffler at chefinyl@gmail.com. She will send you the  Zoom link for the meeting.

Ongoing classes at Jew By You


Be a Supporter,
a Ruach HaNefesh (breath of our soul)

a part of Malachei HaNefesh
(Angels of HaNefesh)

HaNefesh is a radically inclusive Jewish community where every soul matters. Everyone is encouraged to develop and nurture a healthy spiritual life that includes learning and making a difference in our world. We have been so excited to begin our new community and to welcome so many. Each of us are on our own individual Jewish path and HaNefesh is a safe space to explore, learn and grow. 

We exist because of the support of every person, both great and small. Every contribution is a gift! We are grateful to those who have already given their support to HaNefesh as a one time donation and those who are already part of our Ruach HaNefesh, the breath of our Soul. Ruach HaNefesh is made up of all those who have committed to donating monthly. This allows us to have a reliable income so we can dream big and create new programming and opportunities for all. Please consider being a part of Ruach HaNefesh and help support our ongoing work.

We also welcome those who are able to do more and become part of our Malachai HaNefesh, the Angels of HaNefesh. By being a Malachai supporter you help us create our foundation for HaNefesh and ensure that we are able to create the programming and Jewish connections for all those in our community. If you would like to be a Malachai HaNefesh supporter, please contact Rabbi Heidi at ravheidi@gmail.com.

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Current Malachai HaNefesh Supporters:
(Angels of HaNefesh)

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  • Brad Horwitz

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Current Ruach HaNefesh Supporters:

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  • Alissa Ackerman
  • Charlene & Dennis Ashendorf
  • Nancy Chess
  • Mark and Flossie Friedman
  • Ellen Knopf
  • Gayle and Steve Lipson
  • Wendy Nevitt
  • Rita Shearer
  • Susan Sherman & Lenny Vinson
  • Sheila Silver
  • Michelle Singleton
  • Tracie & Sara Turietta

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This Week’s Supporters:

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  • Rabbi Stephen & Robin Einstein
  • Mark & Flossie Friedman
  • Ellen Knopf
  • Rosalind Perell
  • Jim & Sue Thornton

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Be a Supporter, a Ruach HaNefesh or a part of Malachei HaNefesh (Angels of HaNefesh)



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