September 17, 2020 | 28 Elul 5780
What an amazing opportunity we have this year to be with our families during our high holy day services! This year is unique in so many ways and invites many opportunities for us to include our children in services. In the past parents have dropped their children off at a youth program or babysitting instead of sitting in the sanctuary for the service. Well this year that’s not an option. Your homes will become your own personal sanctuaries. Your children might be off in another room. Invite them in. Sign into services and toss the service onto the tv screen for the whole family to enjoy together. Keep the service streaming in the background on the computer. Let the kids see and hear services without the pressure of worrying about the noise they make or the shpilkes they might have. Use this as an opportunity to include them in the experience. No need to stuff them into fancy temple clothes or temple shoes. No need to keep them quiet (just keep yourself on mute!). Let them play in the background. This year we all get to bring our authentic selves to the table. Sticky fingers, messy hair, no shoes required! Looking forward to seeing those sweet young faces along with yours on the screen!
Please join us for tashlich and havdalah at the beach on Saturday, September 19th. Hanefesh will be at Corona Del Mar from 4:00-6:00. Wait! What is tashlich? Tashlich means “casting off”. We cast off our sins, our mistakes symbolically using bread. We bring our sins to a body of water and throw them away. For more information on tashlich visit the PJ Library website.
We will have a do it yourself tashlich service available for you to take with you down to the water. Bring your bread. Bring a blanket and hangout with us before havdalah at 6:00 PM.
The beach can be reached via an access road near the intersection of Iris Street and Ocean Boulevard in Corona del Mar. There is plenty of parking below. We will be by the breakwall. Enter the parking lot and head to the right. Hope to see you there!
Click here to read all about our High Holy Days and the schedule of services and events.