What We Can Learn and Do to Show Mercy and Love the Stranger

Show Mercy and Compassion

This week, Bishop Mariann Edger Budde’s sermon at the post-inauguration service on Tuesday, drew the attention of the country. Religious or not, her message has many talking and many clergy enamored. She spoke directly to President Trump saying: “I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now. There are gay, lesbian and transgender children in Democratic, Republican and independent families, some who fear for their lives.”

Bishop Budde felt she had the attention of the President and the country and she was not going to waste a moment. 

Her request was a humble one, have mercy. What is mercy? The simple definition for mercy is ‘compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm.’ And right now, there is a great amount of fear within the immigrant and LGBTQ+ community. 

“Love the stranger” or “do not oppress the stranger,”  is mentioned 36 times in the Torah, making it the most repeated commandment of all 613 commandments. Last week, as we began the book of Exodus, we were reminded that we were strangers in Egypt and therefore we must take care of those around us who are also strangers in our own lands.

The Israelites were only strangers when they first came down to Egypt at Joseph’s invitation. Here is was, second in command below Pharaoh, and now, he had the power to either invite them in or turn them away. Was Joseph going to hold a grudge against his brothers who threw him into the pit and sold him into slavery, or was he going to forgive them and welcome them with open arms. We know from the story that he was able to forgive them and move forward. He too had grown, having examined his own actions and learning that he needed to be more kind and compassionate. 

Pamela Hemphill, a retired drug and alcohol counselor who lives in Boise, Idaho, pleaded guilty in January 2022 to a misdemeanor offense for entering the Capitol during the riot and was sentenced to 60 days in prison and three years of probation. And as pardons were given to all those convicted and sentenced for the the January 6 riots, including Pamela, she stated that if she could, she would decline this pardon. She feels that by accepting this pardon, it is an insult to the Capitol Police and to the rule of the land. She said, “If I accept a pardon, I’m continuing their propaganda, their gaslighting and all their falsehoods they’re putting out there about Jan. 6.” Pamela sees how important it is to accept responsibility and hence, she herself has grown.

Technically, Pamela can decline the pardon, however, it would take a lot of legal work. Instead, where should her efforts be? Her message is like that of Bishop Budde, show mercy and especially compassion for all. 

In later interviews, Bishop Budde said, “I was trying actually to encourage a different kind of conversation, that you can certainly disagree with me…But could we, as Americans and fellow children of God, speak to one another with respect? I would offer the same to you.”

Over this past week, we all have been watching what is happening in our country. Our emotions are high and our blood pressure can match that. Families and friends have been torn apart and we are struggling. We hope that, if we can take a step back from going to extremes, maybe we can work together. We need to listen to one another, and most of all, remember to love the stranger, respect each person for who they are, and show a little more compassion. Who knows, maybe we can try to be the role models for those who should be the leaders.


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