Take Two Minutes to Remember

This weekend we observe Memorial Day. This is a time that we are to remember the people who gave their lives in service to our country and defended our country so that we can live as a free nation. Memorial Day has become a time of sales and the start of the summer barbecue season.  […]

Let Us Celebrate Israel’s 76th Birthday!

Yom HaAtzmaut, Israel Independence Day begins on Monday night, May 13. This year, as with many of the holidays since October 7th, it seems even more important to celebrate Jewish life.  In 1948, the world watched as Ben Gurion, the Chairman of the Jewish Agency, stood at the Tel Aviv Museum amongst a large crowd […]

One Year Olds Should Not Be In Tunnels

Remember one year old celebrations? We might remember them from pictures of when we turned one or when we celebrated our own children turning one. There was a party that was definitely more for the parents and family since the child would not remember it. There was cake the child was encouraged to dive into […]