Where is Hope?

(I wrote this at 9:00am this morning (Feb. 20, 2025). And at 3:27pm, we just learned that the body we thought was Shiri’s is not. Words are escaping me…) Tikvah, hope. This is what we all held on to for 503 days. We watched on October 7, 2023, the atrocities of Hamas murdering over 1200 […]

What We Can Learn and Do to Show Mercy and Love the Stranger

Show Mercy and Compassion This week, Bishop Mariann Edger Budde’s sermon at the post-inauguration service on Tuesday, drew the attention of the country. Religious or not, her message has many talking and many clergy enamored. She spoke directly to President Trump saying: “I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who […]

Acheinu – Our Brothers and Sisters, Can You Finally Be Coming Home?

As we all heard, an agreement was reached between Israel and Hamas. We are elated because it means some hostages can start coming home. Families may have closure and hopefully, there can be some peace in the region. Yet, it still seems so far away. We hold our breath because, as we saw this morning, […]

Expanding the Table of Thanksgiving Traditions

Thanksgiving is a day that celebrates gratitude, togetherness, and—of course—traditions. Every family has its own way of marking the holiday, whether it’s watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade – what happens with those balloons when it rains or is windy?; the precise method of cooking the turkey (to brine or not to brine?); or the […]

Holding Onto Hope and Doing the Work

Has it only been a week? It feels longer. Honestly, some days, it’s tempting to just stay in bed, pull the covers up, and wait for a better moment. Anyone else feel like that? This week has been heavy, and the news keeps coming at us, each headline more overwhelming than the last. We’ve had […]

What is the Torah? We Each Have Our Own Answer.

Last night, we celebrated Simchat Torah, a time not only to conclude another year of reading the Torah but also to begin the journey anew. And on this journey we ask, what is the Torah? The story “When Zaydeh Danced on Eldridge Street” tells of a Zaydeh (grandfather) who wasn’t the easiest to get along […]

HaNefesh Songs of Gratitude Event: A Successful Celebration of Four Years of Jewish Life

Music brings people together and our Songs of Gratitude event was successful in bringing HaNefesh together to celebrate four years of doing and living Jewish. Thanks to everyone who joined us on Friday, HaNefesh Shabbat services with Sue Horowitz and then Saturday’s concert, Songs of Gratitude.  The event was everything we hoped it would be […]

Take Two Minutes to Remember

This weekend we observe Memorial Day. This is a time that we are to remember the people who gave their lives in service to our country and defended our country so that we can live as a free nation. Memorial Day has become a time of sales and the start of the summer barbecue season.  […]

We Come From the Garden

Last weekend, we did a thing…we planted a garden. We started with some grow bags and then a trip to a nursery for vegetable plants we knew we would like to eat. Admittedly, we could have bought a lot of vegetables for the amount we paid for plants and soil, but the activity is hard […]

Let Us Celebrate Israel’s 76th Birthday!

Yom HaAtzmaut, Israel Independence Day begins on Monday night, May 13. This year, as with many of the holidays since October 7th, it seems even more important to celebrate Jewish life.  In 1948, the world watched as Ben Gurion, the Chairman of the Jewish Agency, stood at the Tel Aviv Museum amongst a large crowd […]