Yes, AND…

Yes, AND…

We’ve talked about how you can support HaNefesh financially, now let’s talk about how you and HaNefesh can work together to build our Jewish community.

I’ve been asked if we are going to have different committees and opportunities for HaNefesh. My answer has been, yes AND…

The work of HaNefesh cannot be done by one or two people alone. HaNefesh hopes to allow individuals to discover, wrestle with, and create their Jewish connection. This might be found in worship, learning, social justice and action work, creating interpersonal connections, or any combination of these and so much more. The hope is that together, with the work and passion of each individual, we create a space where one finds their Jewish soul.
This is where we have, yes AND… Yes, we can create many opportunities for getting involved, AND we do this together.

We already have a Sisterhood, Miriam’s Circle, and Brotherhood, Achim HaNefesh, because a group of people asked if they could create this. And we said, yes, AND…

The AND is encouraging all of us to be invested in what we are creating together. It means putting in the time and resources to make it happen. HaNefesh is here to support one another’s Jewish community and meet each other’s needs. This is sacred work and we look forward to doing it together.

Feel free to reach out to us and let us know what you want to create together with us and HaNefesh.

Achim HaNefesh

Achim HaNefesh (Brothers of the Soul) has arrived. We had our first planning meeting last week and are off to a great start.  Setting up a brotherhood from scratch is new and exciting.  We can use your support and participation.  Please join us for a Zoom get together on July 7th at 7:00 pm.  Please register here to get your unique link.  See you on the 7th.

If you have any questions, please contact Steve Sherman at

Miriam’s Circle

There’s a NEW Sisterhood in town…and we want YOU to be a part of it!

Miriam’s Circle Sisterhood is hosting a Zoom meeting on Wednesday, July 22 at 7:00pm so we can provide further details, create together, and hear your voices.

Contact our VP of Membership, Susan Scheffler at She will send you the link for the meeting. We are looking forward to sharing this exciting journey with you.

Nancy Fidel, President


Shabbat with HaNefesh

Join us at 6:00 pm for Shabbat services. Feel free to pass on this information to others, but we ask that you please contact us to let us know who will be zooming in so we can welcome them.

Torah Study 
Starting July 4 at 9:00 am | Parashat Chukat/Balak
Rabbi Heidi will lead this class and then everyone is invited to be a Torah Study leader. Join us on Zoom

7 pm on Saturday night at HaNefesh Facebook Live, let’s celebrate Shabbat through Havdalah.  A beautifully sweet service.

Thank you to this week’s Supporters of HaNefesh

Nancy Chess
Shelly and Mark Hiskey
Martha Katz
Mark and Stacy Nagel
Norman Rosen
Rabbi Rebecca Einstein Schorr
Stephen and Fran Sherman
Susan Sherman and Lenny Vinso

Jew By You

Join Jodi Kaufman and Alissa Ackerman in this series as they explore thousands of years of Jewish texts alongside their favorite contemporary authors. Classes will take place on July 9th and July 23rd at 3pm PDT on Zoom.
Register now to receive a Zoom link.

Join Rabbi Heidi Cohen in this series on Understanding Pirkei Avot in Today’s World. Classes will meet on July 13th and July 27th at 7pm PDT on Zoom.
Register now to receive a Zoom link.

Join Jodi Kaufman for a stimulating lunch and learn conversation.
Upcoming Lunch and Learn dates are July 14, July 28, August 11, August 25, September 8, September 22, October 6, October 20, November 3, November 17at 12:00 PDT.

 Register now to receive a Zoom link.


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